Family Gone Green

Our Journey Detoxing Our Home and Lives.

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

   Apr 30

Extreme Couponing Dangers!!!

There is a show on TLC that profiles people who spend as much time as a full-time job collecting, buying and clipping coupons.  Then they spend hours making a list and rationing out the coupons for their purchases each week.  On the show you will find people buying things like 100 bottles of laundry detergent, […]

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   Apr 24

Are You Still Using Chlorine Bleach?

Got Bleach? Your grandmother and your mother probably used it a lot.  Maybe they still do, maybe you are using it too.  Do you know that Chlorine Bleach is not a safe product to use to eliminate germs?  Are you aware that it is actually very harmful to humans, pets, plants and the environment?  I […]

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   Apr 23

Spring Cleaning Should Not Be Toxic To Your Family!!!

Toxic Clean??? I want to share something with you that I have been thinking about for a while now. I think we are all aware of the movement in recent years to “go green.” However, I don’t think as consumers we are as aware as we should be and take many things at face value. […]

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